Total Detox Polvo  16 onzas

Total Detox Polvo 16 onzas

Regular price $22.00 Sale

Poderoso Desinflamente auxilar al tratamiento del estreñimiento cronico Ayuda a eliminar toxinas del sistema digestivo, limpia hígado, riñones, intestinos pulmones y páncreas.  Evita  la inflamación y  gases. Promueve una mejoria en la piel.

Pierde centímetros y grasa abdominal obstinada.

Precaución: Consulta a su médico si está embarazada o amamantando, tiene o ha tenido algún problema de salud o si está tomando cualquier medicamento antes de usar este o cualquier suplemento dietético.

Total Detox Polvo  is a powerful detoxifying product that removes toxins from your entire digestive system.

Removes toxins from the entire digestive system, eliminates constipation Cleans liver, kidney, intestines, and pancreas, eliminate bloating and gases, purify the liver, eliminates skin blemishes Lose inches & stubborn belly fat.

It goes above and beyond by not only eliminating constipation, but also cleansing your liver, kidney, intestines, and pancreas, as well as purifying the liver. By doing so, it effectively eliminates bloating, gases, and skin blemishes while helping you lose stubborn belly fat and inches.
